Requirements while publishing a story for authors
- Title
- Description
- Tags
- Genere
- Language
- Copyright
- Comment, rating, upvote option
- Sharing option after publishing
SEO Strategy for App
- Select the right category for your app. There are around 20 categories on play store. It indicates to
- user and AppStore algorithms what the App(company) is all about.
- Choose category according to-
- Relevance to business
- And level of competition in that category
- Select micro categories to rank better instead of selecting main category which has higher
- competition Eg- Guitar coach app, instead of putting it in main category of music u can put it in
- subcategory of learning music.
- Choosing category which is not appropriate for your app may incur a penalt. It is against app
- store review guidelines.
- Select right category keywords
- Identify relevant keywords
- Choose Top 20 keywords
- Choose Middle to low competitive keywords with decent search volumes
- Competition targeted keywords
- Select few low competition keywords from the list that u can target, u can pick more competitive
- keywords once you get more reviews and downloads.
- Use the main keywords in the App title
- Use main keywords and its variations in the app description. It is best to use your keywords in
- five different variations in the app description.
- Make sure the first 3 lines of description tells the user how it will meet the needs
- Use relevant images and graphics
- Mention USPs benefits & unique features that app offers.
- Eg- Flipkart- Never miss an offer
- Game App- Does not require internet.
- App Listing
- Other elements are app icons, screenshots and tailor, demo video(1-2 min)
- Encourage users to rate & review via push notifications or in app pop-up notifications.
- Localize the App – If your app is present in more than one country it makes sense to localize
- that app for that country.
- Update App regularly – Incorporate user reviews, adding new features, fixing bugs
- Track & Optimize performance regularly.- for tracking performance app Annie can be used.
- Some basic metrics can be tracked with free version.