Software testing
- Testing Terminology
- What is Testing
- Who does Testing
- When to Start Testing
- When to Stop Testing
- Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC)
- Software Test Life Cycle (STLC)
- Understanding of QA, QC and Testing
- Principles of Testing
- Documentation
- Test Plan
- Test Senario
- Test Case
- Tracebility Matrix
- Test Case Degine Techniques
- Estimations
- Testing Levels
- Functional Testing
- Unit Testing
- Integration Testing
- System Testing
- Regression Testing
- Acceptance Testing
- Non-Functional Testing
- Usability Testing
- Security Testing
- Portability Testing
- Testing Methodology / Approch
- Waterfall
- Prototype
- Spiral
- Incremental (Agile methodology and Scrum Framework)
- V-Model Verification vs. validation
- Advantages and Disadvantages of each software development life cycle
- Difference between Functional and Non-functional testing
- Defect Life Cycle
- Bug Life cycle
- How to Prepare Bug template?
- Bug Tracking tool
- Interview Preparation
- Globalization Vs Localization Testing
- Test Plan V/s Test Strategy
- Re-testing Vs Regression Testing
- Test Scenario Vs Test Condition
- Interview Questions
- Presentations
- Resume building
- Placement activities
SQL Syllabus
- What is SQL
- SQL Process
- SQL Commands
- RDBMS Concepts.
- What is RDBMS?
- SQL Constraints
- Data Integrity
- Database Normalization .
- Database – First Normal Form (1NF)
- Database – Second Normal Form (2NF)
- Database – Third Normal Form (3NF)
- RDBMS Databases
- MS SQL Server
- Syntax
- Various Syntax in SQL
- SQL ? Data Types
- SQL – Operators
- What is an Operator in SQL?
- SQL Arithmetic Operators .
- Arithmetic Operators – Examples
- SQL Comparison Operators
- Comparison Operators – Examples.
- SQL Logical Operators
- Logical Operators – Examples
- Expressions
- Boolean Expressions.
- Numeric Expressions
- Date Expressions .
- AND & OR Conjunctive Operators
- The AND Operator
- The OR Operator
- Constraints.
- SQL - NOT NULL Constraint
- SQL - DEFAULT Constraint
- SQL - UNIQUE Constraint
- SQL ? Primary Key
- SQL ? Foreign Key
- SQL ? CHECK Constraint
- SQL ? INDEX Constraint .
- Dropping Constraints
- Integrity Constraints.
- Using Joins
- The UNION ALL Clause
- SQL ? INTERSECT Clause .
- SQL ? EXCEPT Clause
- Sub Queries.
- Subqueries with the SELECT Statement
- Subqueries with the INSERT Statement
- Subqueries with the UPDATE Statement
- Subqueries with the DELETE Statement
Java Course Content
- Introduction to java
- Java Installation
- Variables
- Re-initialization
- Post-Increment, Post Decrement
- Pre-Increment, Pre-Decrement
- Decision making statements
- Switch-case
- Loops
- For loop
- While loop
- Do while loop
- Enhanced for loop
- Methods
- Method Overloading
- Constructor
- Constructor Overloading
- OOPS Concepts (Object Oriented Programming System)
- Inheritance
- Method Overriding
- Type Casting
- Polymorphism
- Abstraction
- Abstract Class
- Interface
- Encapsulation
- Packages & Import
- Design Pattern
- Syntax
- Various Syntax in SQL
- SQL ? Data Types
- SQL – Operators
- What is an Operator in SQL?
- SQL Arithmetic Operators .
- SQL Comparison Operators
- Arithmetic Operators – Examples
- Comparison Operators – Examples.
- SQL Logical Operators
- Logical Operators – Examples
- Object Class
- String Class
- Arrays
- Boxing & Unboxing
- Wrapper class
- Collection framework & wild cards
- Exception Handling
- File Handling
- Multithreading
Selenium Automation Testing Syllabus
- Overview.
- Introduction to Automation
- What is an automation testing
- Advantages of Automation Testing
- How to learn any automation tool
- Types of Automation tools
- Introduction to Selenium
- What is Selenium
- Use of Selenium
- Features of selenium
- Difference between Selenium and QTP
- Selenium Components
- Selenium IDE
- Selenium Core
- Selenium RC
- Selenium Grid
- Selenium 2.0 – Web Driver
- Selenium IDE
- Selenium Overview
- Selenium IDE Introduction
- Downloading and Installing Selenium IDE
- Recording and Running a Simple Test
- Selenium IDE – Features
- Installing Useful Tools for Writing Tests
- Selenium Concepts
- Selenium Commands
- Verifying Page Elements – Assertions and Verifications
- Wait Commands
- Object Identification
- Element Locators
- Regular Expression patterns
- Selenium Test Runner
- Using Regular Expressions in Selenium IDE
- Creating Selenium Test Suites
- How to run the recorded script against other browsers
- Why companies are not using recording tools
- Limitations of Selenium IDE
- HTML Concepts
- HTML Introduction
- Header, Body and footer Elements
- Text box, radio button, check box, drop down, images, browse, tab, etc. explanation
- Fire Bug, Xpath and CSS
- Introduction to Firebug
- Downloading and installing of Firebug
- Downloading and installing of xpath
- How to identify the xpath for an particular element
- Identifying objects using CSS
- How to use TestNG and Junit in Selenium
- Introduction to TestNG
- Why TestNG
- Setting up TestNG
- Working with TestNG
- Advantages of TestNG over JUnit
- Exploring TestNG Features
- How to Use TestNG Annotations
- Data-Driven Testing TestNG
- TestNG Execution Report
- TestNG Results output folder walk-through
- TestNG Reporting features
- Automation Framework
- What is Framework
- Types of Frameworks
- What is the modular framework
- What is Data-Driven framework
- What is Keyword driven framework
- What is the Hybrid framework
- Use of Framework
- How to develop the framework
- Integration of the framework
- How to execute the scripts from the framework
- Advanced Selenium 2.0 – Web driver
- Introduction to selenium 2.0
- Advantages of web driver
- Web Driver v/s RC
- The architecture of Web Driver and RC
- Web Driver IDE
- Installation / Configuring Eclipse for Web Driver
- Identifying the elements in Web Driver Using Id, Name, Xpath, Dom and CSS
- Working with Different drivers like HtmlUnit driver, Firefox Driver etc…
- Creating the generic scripts in Web Driver
- Creating the scripts by using functions
- Web Driver Client Libraries
- Web Driver commands with examples
- Working with excel sheets using Web Driver
- Web Driver with TestNG / Junit